Meet Division 51 Member: Dr. Chen Oren

When did you join Division 51? What made you interested in joining?

I joined division 51 around 2003.  My mentor and friend, Mark Stevens introduced me to the division, retreat, and board meetings.  I quickly found a home in the division and established personal and professional relationships motivating me to be more involved in the division and the study and practice of men and masculinity.  I became a board member, conference chair in 2007, San Francisco (highlighted by the collaboration with division 35 and Jean Kilbourne as keynote speaker), and treasurer for 4 years.  I resonated with the focus of understanding the needs of men and how to best support, help and conduct effective therapy with men.  I enjoyed reading, writing, attending, and presenting at conferences as well as helping men in my private practice. 

What do you find most valuable about being a member of the division?

I most value the balance between professional and personal life at the division.I enjoyed the comradery and friends I developed during division retreats, conferences and meetings, including Mark Stevens, Fred Rabinowitz, Matt Englar-Carlson, and Danny Singley to name a few. The ability to be vulnerable, share and hear intimate aspects of other men’s life, while also having the opportunity to collaborate and grow as a professional by writing, presenting, and working with men has been a great experience for me.

What are your clinical, teaching, research, or other applied interests relating to the psychology of men and masculinity?  

Initially while I was teaching, I focused on gender and male socialization. I also presented and researched positive psychology and men, the experience of male psychology students and fathering. My wife, Dora Chase Oren and I co-edited the book Counseling Fathers, 2010, with contributions from many of our division members. When my children reached elementary school age, I shifted my focus and career to full time private practice so I can spend more time and be more involved in my children’s lives. I have been applying the research and theoretical knowledge I gained to my clinical practice. Large percentage of my private practice consists of men in different formats including individual, couples and group therapy. I have been co-facilitating a men’s group with Mark Stevens for almost 15 years which is one of the highlights of our week.


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