2024 Division 51 Call for Awards Nominees!

Please think about students and colleagues—clinicians, consultants, professors, researchers, advocates—who you would like to nominate for a Division 51 award this year. Can’t think of someone who stands out? It might be you! Self-nominations are encouraged. Below are the division awards available and nomination instructions.

If you have someone you'd like to honor this year, check out the award criteria below and how to submit a nomination - even for yourself!


Follow the award instructions for each award at the bottom of this page and please email the application with all materials included in one single PDF document to  Dr. Sonia Molloy (sqm5495@psu.eduby May 1st, 2025 with the subject line: “Division 51 Awards Nomination.”

Eligibility and Requirements for Nominations | Prior Recipients

Practitioner of the Year Award

(Description Above)


Criteria for selection include: membership in Division 51; at least 51% of work time devoted to providing clinical services to men; clinical activities must clearly foster the positive psychological adjustment of men and boys.

How to Apply

Any member of SPSMM may make a nomination. All nomination materials must be emailed in one single pdf file by the nominator to the Awards Committee Chair. This packet should include four copies of the following:

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

  • 2022 Winner - Pierre Azzam, M.D.

Outstanding Advocate for Boys Award

(Description Above)


The award will consider research, service, or therapeutic contributions that have improved the lives of boys. Nominee does not need to be a member of SPSMM.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

  • Hector Torres, Psy.D.

  • Ramel Smith, Ph.D.

  • William Seymour, Ph.D.

Student of the Year Award

(Description Above)


Nominees should be a student member of SPSMM, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be involved counseling practice or research pertaining to masculinities. Nomination materials should be accompanied by two letters of recommendation from two professors within the nominee's academic department.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from professors in the student’s academic department

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

  • 2022 Winner - Shana Pryor, M.A.

Researcher of the Year Award

(Description Above)


Eligibility criteria include membership in SPSMM; work clearly related to the psychological study of men and masculinities; work may include quantitative or qualitative research; scholarly reviews of the literature; theoretical models and approaches to treatment. Nomination can be based on a single work published after January 1 of the year prior to the award presentation or thematic scholarship consisting of several works published over the course of many years.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated.

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator.

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter).

  • Researcher of the Year nominations should indicate publications for which the nominee is being honored.

Past Recipients

  • 2022 Winner - Dr. Brian TaeHyuk Keum

Distinguished Professional Service Award

(Description Above)


Eligibility criteria include long-term service contributions and positive impact on Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities or public policy. Nominee does not need to be a member of Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator

  • The nominee's vita (if available)

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

  • Wizdom Powell, Ph.D.

Loren Frankel Student Research Award

(Description Above)


Nominees should be able to demonstrate their successful defense or submission of a finished dissertation after July 1 of the previous year.  Nominees need not be members of SPSMM. Nomination materials should be accompanied by two letters of recommendation; one from a member of the dissertation committee, and one from a professor within the nominee's academic department.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator (one from a member of the dissertation committee, one from a professor in the nominee’s department)

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

  • 2022 Winner - Dr. Ali Shames-Dawson