Our Mission
As our mission statement below describes, Division 51 is dedicated to practice and research addressing the unique issues surrounding masculinities and all individuals identifying as men or boys.
Mission Statement
The Society for the Psychology of Men and Masculinities (Division 51 of the American Psychological Association) promotes evidence-based psychological practice and the empirical study of how gender roles relate to the physical and emotional health of men and boys.
Members of the Division include psychologists, professionals in related fields, and graduate students who conduct research, training, consultation, education, advocacy, and clinical practice to enhance opportunities for men and boys to experience their full human potential and to lead healthier lives.
Our work is done through a multicultural lens that emphasizes social justice for all with a recognition of the need to study, to challenge, and to improve societal systems.
In order to meet our mission Division 51 sponsors a professional journal, The Psychology of Men and Masculinities, special interest groups, task forces, conferences, retreats, a mentoring program, continuing education, leadership development, and a variety of opportunities to participate in its governance along with with social events.
(Adopted April, 2022)