2020 Presidential Initiative: Holding Space for Boys & Men of Color: Reimagining Masculinities, Transforming Systems, Advancing Health Equity.
Wizdom Powell, PhD, MPH
2020 Division 51 President
I am pleased to share the following announcement. Looking forward to working with you during the upcoming year to amplify our scholarship and advocacy.
Wizdom Powell, PhD, MPH
Division 51 President Elect for 2020
2020 Division 51 President Announces Initiatives & BrainTrust Focused on Advancing Health Equity among Boys & Men of Color
Boys and men of color (BMoC) have tremendous, often untapped potential to contribute to our nation's economic vitality, global competitiveness, and innovation. Yet, this potential is significantly undermined by pressing mental and physical health inequities. Despite narrowing life expectancy gaps between men and women, BMoC are more likely to perish prematurely from preventable conditions. Masculinity norms play a role in the health behaviors contributing to poor health outcomes in BMoC. However, health inequities among BMoC are also rooted in exposures to broader social conditions including persistent structural and interpersonal racism. Addressing such conditions among BMoC, is particularly important as our nation moves through one of its most significant demographic transitions.
Division 51 has a longstanding commitment to and expertise in unpacking the myriad ways that gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status impact the well-being of boys and men. Our division has led scholarly and advocacy efforts designed to enhance understanding of connections between diverse masculinities and health.
I am pleased to announce my intentions to build on these contributions and my 2020 Presidential Theme:
Holding Space for Boys & Men of Color: Reimagining Masculinities, Transforming Systems, Advancing Health Equity.
Holding space for BMoC is about creating therapeutic landscapes where they live, work, play, pray, get educated, are confined, and get healthcare. Holding space is about shifting processes of care, addressing stereotypic masculinity norms that often create racially engendered barriers to help-seeking, and translating evidence into policy action. But, at its most basic level, holding space is about acknowledging the full range and depth of humanity among BMoC.
Psychologists have a critical role to play in advancing social justice and health equity for BMoC. Advancing health equity among BMoC entails reimagining masculinities, bridging longstanding empathy gaps, and transforming systems so that when they are built, BMoC will come. However, accomplishing these outcomes requires trans-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches. Thus, I am pleased to announce the formation of my Presidential BrainTrust for Health Equity among Boys & Men of Color, a collection of the following nationally recognized experts: