Researcher of the Year Award

This award honors outstanding published research concerning men and masculinity.


Eligibility criteria include membership in SPSMM; work clearly related to the psychological study of men and masculinities; work may include quantitative or qualitative research; scholarly reviews of the literature; theoretical models and approaches to treatment. Nomination can be based on a single work published after January 1 of the year prior to the award presentation or thematic scholarship consisting of several works published over the course of many years.

How to Apply

  • A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated.

  • Two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator.

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter).

  • Researcher of the Year nominations should indicate publications for which the nominee is being honored.

Past Recipients

2022 Winner - Dr. Brian TaeHyuk Keum

Dr. Keum is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Welfare at the University of California, Los Angeles. His work has been funded and recognized by numerous grants and research awards/scholarships at campus-wide, and national levels. His early work included a study validating the Drive for Muscularity Scale for Asian men in the U.S. This study was born from Dr. Keum’s personal passion to advocate for the representation and empowerment of Asian men in the study of masculinities in the U.S. Receiving this award has helped Dr. Keum to reflect and to share what it is like to live and survive as an Asian man in the U.S. against the dominant oppressive narratives that continues to erase, emasculate, and misrepresent their masculinities.


Loren Frankle Student Research Award


Student of the Year Award