Student of the Year Award

Honors an undergraduate of graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding academic performance, counseling practice, or research pertaining to boys, adolescent males, men, or masculinities.


Nominees should be a student member of SPSMM, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be involved counseling practice or research pertaining to masculinities. Nomination materials should be accompanied by two letters of recommendation from two professors within the nominee's academic department.

How to Apply

A cover letter detailing the award and the person being nominated

  • Two letters of support from professors in the student’s academic department

  • The nominee's vita

  • A phone number where the nominated person can be reached (can be included in the cover letter)

Past Recipients

2022 Winner - Shana Pryor, M.A.

Pryor is a doctoral student at The University of Akron finishing her degree in Counseling Psychology. She co-authored with Ronald Levant the award winning book, “The Tough Standard: Hard Truths about Masculinity and Violence”. She helped establish the website for the Taskforce on Boys in School and was an active member in the Masculinity, Violence, and Trauma Special Interest Group. Pryor is currently working on her second co-authored book with Ronald Levant about healing emotional in-expression in men through an empirically supported manualized treatment, Alexithymia Reduction Treatment (ART). She is currently at internship where she hopes to continue working with men in healing from trauma.


Researcher of the Year Award


Distinguished Professional Service Award